www.plumberx.com How to solder copper pipe and re-pipe home. Well how did this come about? I Felt that there's was a lot of people out there that like Diy projects and they do have the skill, and some of use have more time then we have money, but they all have one thing in common is they just need a little encouragement and close up on know how. And in these video I provide just that. Every shot is close up and personal. I made these videos with the mind set of , How would I want to learn by watching a videos, and this these are the results. Close up shot's of what is really going on. You know let me see move to the side man. I don't want to see you I want to see what your doing. I can't learn any thing looking at you show me that work please. Thank you! J Yep that's just how I feel when I watch a video and the guy in the videos just wants to show himself and talk and talk and talk and close to the end he show a little shot of the work. Thanks a lot Pal for wasting my time. Now in these how to solder copper pipe and re-pipe home you we learn things like How to solder copper pipe, How to keep from burning things around you, How to hang copper pipe to floor joist, how to prepare the copper pipe and pipe fitting to be soldered, Soldering copper pipe and fitting in the horizontal position, how to solder Dielectric unions on water heater with out burning the inserts, and much more. Soldering copper pipe is not as hard as it may seem with a little know how and practice you can ...
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Application of Muon Spin Rotation to studies of cavity performance limitations (Anna Grassellino - 20') Speaker: Anna Grassellino - TRIUMF - Vancouver, Canada | Duration: 20 min. Abstract In this contribution a new experiment to investigate magnetic flux entry in Nb coupons and HFQS limited cutout samples will be presented. The experimental technique, called muSR (muon spin rotation), utilizes a probe magnetic moment to reveal local magnetic fields in the sample under study. Through the use of low energy spin polarized muons, the experiment can probe near surface local magnetic fields with extreme sensitivity. Being a 'local' rather than external and global technique, it offers a different and precise way to measure the field of first penetration in type-II superconductors. The experiment will study the nature of the transition from superconducting to mixed state in the marginal type II superconductor Nb, for samples with different treatment and grain size, and for RF characterized (via thermometry) HFQS limited cutout samples. Studying the latest will provide an opportunity to look for correlation of the onset of HFQS with the appearance of flux entry into the sample, detectable via the extremely sensitive muSR probe. Models for HFQS and MFQS which muSR can help probing will be discussed.
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