Wednesday 15 August 2012

Aaron Stevens (of Goldfinch) and Vicci Martinez -"Jolene" (at BARE II: an all acapella evening)

Aaron Stevens (of Goldfinch) and Vicci Martinez perform Dolly Parton's "Jolene" at BARE II: an all acapella evening - The Fremont Abbey. Friday January 21st, 2011.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

info and pictures on the Lesser Goldfinch. fact sheet Cool Facts American Goldfinches are the only finch that molts its body feathers twice a year, once in late winter and again in late summer. The brightening yellow of male goldfinches each spring is one welcome mark of approaching warm months. American Goldfinches breed later than most North American birds. They wait to nest until June or July when milkweed, thistle, and other plants have produced their fibrous seeds, which goldfinches incorporate into their nests and also feed their young. Goldfinches are among the strictest vegetarians in the bird world, selecting an entirely vegetable diet and only inadvertently swallowing an occasional insect. When Brown-headed Cowbirds lay eggs in an American Goldfinch nest, the cowbird egg may hatch but the nestling seldom survives longer than three days. The cowbird chick simply cant survive on the all-seed diet that goldfinches feed their young. Goldfinchs move south in winter following a pattern that seems to coincide with regions where the minimum January temperature is no colder than 0 degrees Fahrenheit on average. As of May 2007, the oldest known American Goldfinch was 10 years 5 months old. Paired-up goldfinches make virtually identical flight calls; goldfinches may be able to distinguish members of various pairs by these calls. Habitat Open Woodland Weedy fields, open floodplains, and other overgrown areas, particularly with sunflower, aster, and thistle plants for food ...
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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