Wednesday 15 August 2012

Hundreds of angry Arctic Terns

I walked into a colony of Arctic Terns (sterna paradisaea, Sturmseeschwalbe, kría) at Jökulsárlón on Iceland. These beautiful birds are known for defending their nests fiercely. First by circling above you, screaming "kiarrr, kiarrr", then, if you stand still for a moment, by swooping down on your head, always coming out of the sun like a good fighter pilot. You can hear and feel the "whooosh!" as they do that, and although I didn't try this for obvious reasons, I've been told that their long, pointy beaks can be pretty painful if applied to your scalp. :-) When I realized what I had stumbled into, I held my camera facing the sky while keeping my eyes on the ground, careful as not to step on any of the eggs.
Video Rating: 3 / 5

Arctic Tern at Porkala, Finland.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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