Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Population Reduction - How many do they want to kill? David Icke - The Secret Agenda

"THE SECRET AGENDA WHICH IS TO CREATE A GLOBAL VERSION OF NAZI GERMANY, IMPOSITION, CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE, MICROCHIPPED PEOPLE AND CENTRALIZATION OF POWER ON A SCALE THE WOLRD IN NONE HISTORY HAVE NEVER SEEN" - David Icke www.davidicke.com The Elite exercises control over the Money-Power Grid (MPG) Money is the prime objective of the Elite because it imbues power to those who possess it. Money takes many forms, including assets of precious metals and petroleum, land or real estate, minerals, and products and services. Money is the "God" of the Elite and their banks are the religious institutions in which they can worship their God. The corporate elite, government elite, underground elite, and banking elite constitute the Money-Power-Grid controllers. Those in positions of power, especially within the banking sector, are beholden to the MPG and will do everything possible to tighten their controls of the MPG and manipulate the human family to serve their agenda. The global systems of our planet can be thought of collectively as a Being composed of organs like the heart, brain, liver, etc. The global systems are banking, government, military, religious, educational, food production, energy, transportation, and commerce, and each of these is an organ in the body of the Collective Human Mind System Reality or, simplified, the Collective System (CS). Each of these nine global systems is an organ that depends on the "blood cells" to keep it alive, to circulate the nutritional ...

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