Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Teaching Green Construction using LJ Create's eLearning Resources (US)

This Green Construction module from LJ Create ( LJCreate.com ) investigates the need to design and construct buildings using environmentally efficient methods and resources. It also explores the potential for reducing energy consumption and evaluates alternative forms of energy production on a micro generation scale. The module is centred around our unique ECO building. The model building has been specifically designed to allow the teacher to demonstrate the practical applications of a number of micro scale power generation and heating systems. The ECO building is intelligent and has its own electronic control and monitoring systems. In addition to the activities based on the ECO building, the module also covers ...green construction materials, ...forces on structures, ...and beam and bridge designs. A series of dynamic software explorers allow students to investigate areas within green construction such as: ...energy use in a virtual house, ...designing and testing beams, ...and looking at how we can heat and cool buildings. The ECO building is a focus for group demonstrations and team investigations. Examples activities include: ...generating electricity using solar panels and a wind turbine, ...measuring the temperature gain of a fully working solar power water heating system, ...experimenting with how heat loss occurs in buildings and testing the effectiveness of insulation materials, ...comparing the efficiency of single and double glazing, ...and experimenting with ...

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