Wednesday 15 August 2012

VICTORY POINT - USMC Ops Red Wings and Whalers in Afghanistan

Learn the full, true story of Operation Red Wings (incorrectly called Operation Redwing by many) at Information on this video below: JJ Konstant, a key figure documented in Ed Darack's book, Victory Point (published by Berkley Caliber, an imprint of the Penguin Publishing Group on April 7, 2009), discusses Operation Whalers, and also some of Operation Red Wings. He is speaking to a national radio audience, after making an appearance for the Wounded Warriors the night before. JJ's platoon took on the same group responsible for killing three of a four-man Navy SEAL team and downing an MH-47D special operations helicopter sent in to rescue the SEALs, killing all on board. Victory Point documents two Marine Corps operations which took place in eastern Afghanistan's Kunar Province in the summer of 2005, Operation Red Wings, and Operation Whalers. Red Wings was planned by the 2nd Battalion of the 3rd Marine Regiment, and sought to destroy the operations of a small but growing, very ruthless insurgent / terrorist cell led by a man named Ahmad Shah. Based on an operational model developed by their sister battalion (the 3rd Battalion of the 3rd Marine Regiment, whom the 2nd battalion replaced in June of 2005), senior battalion leadership planned to utilize special operations forces for the opening phases of Red Wings. Red Wings opened with the insertion of a four-man Navy SEAL reconnaissance and surveillance team, which was ambushed by Shah and his men ...
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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