'SHAME' (..About Obama's visit to Ireland.) The David Icke Mix. By
ill.i.am ekerspé
First broadcast from the basement at the Towers of Truth. RADIOWYBRACJA. Sound for your subconscious. We are all ill.i.am ekerspé. We are all one. We are love. Help us spread this message far and wide. At the hands of the deceivers, The Human Race has gone from being infinite consciousness to being infinitely unconscious. But rising from the ashes of this great disconnection, we are a band of underground RAP-tilians- telling it like it is. Music is Our Weapon. Our love knows no recession. Truth Vibrations are shaking the foundations of every nation, as the veil lifts on an age of fear and on the puppets who implement these control systems all around the globe, in every walk of life, every day. Stay tuned to this frequency for more truth vibrations.. Brought to you intravenous like a sound transfusion. We don't need or care what these repeaters say... So our motto for may is We are 'ill.i.am ekerspe' .and SO ARE YOU!! ....So, Yes We Can Say NO WAY!! PEACE RADIO WYBRACJA ps: heres the words brothers and sisters, to boot!! ... I am ill.i.am ekerspé And I don't care what these repeaters say So my motto for May is Obama is coming, YES WE CAN SAY NO WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!! Let me paint a picture... Another day, another missile hits you, Another two dozen human beings blown to bits In a marketplace by the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE Laureate?!?!?! -especially if your name's Barack or Hussein!! I know that's what I'm saying it's INSANE!!!!!!!! My March motto is -an ounce of experience is more ...
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