Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Minecraft Koi Mod - Zen Garden Example

Beta 1 is now available! Now you can have your own zen garden complete with koi pond! (water lilies and fancy ass texture pack not included) Keep them, tame them, kill them, watch in wonder as they defy the laws of physics and summon useful crap for you to use! All this and more at Texture pack is Glimmar's Steampunk (with some modifications by my wife for the purposes of the video, as well as some swapped in alts available in the thread): The song is Kimono by Barrie Gledden, Kes Loy, and Simeon Wood, found in the audio swap selections for youtube. The pagoda was a schematic I found, looks like the one by MathiasKippen (I forgot to note where I got it in my haste to get everything together for a nice video, sorry). The wife took some design cues for the one in her personal zen garden (which we will showcase in a future video), but the one in this video is 100% Mathias, so thanks to you for your excellent schematic, it helps sell the whole thing. Other mods in the video - Wild Grass by ejhopkins (lilypads, tall grass, vines; highly recommended if your computer can push it) Mo' Creatures by DrZhark (the bunny, plus a lot of stuff that doesn't show up; also highly recommended, it adds a lot of life to minecraft) Nandonalt's More Trees (cherry blossoms; another recommended mod, whether you want cherry blossoms or just get tired of looking at the same tree over and over, it has a nice feel) Not visible, but toomanyitems, zombe's ...

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