Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Why choose between the environment and the economy: Carbon Tax and Income Tax Reduction

Justin Trottier explains that only the Green Party of Ontario has a realistic and sustainable plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by implementing a carbon tax coupled with an income tax reduction. The transcript of his remarks are below: Climate change is real. In June, as the legislature wound down before the election campaign, Ontario's environmental commissioner Gord Miller bravely asserted the need for carbon tax to meet Ontario's climate change goals. Our current political parties distanced themselves as quickly as possible from any real action. Premier Dalton McGuinty announced he would neither raise nor introduce "any new taxes, including ... a carbon tax." Ontario's NDP Party pledged to reduce taxes on polluting energy sources like gasoline. Meanwhile, Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak proudly declared "One thing we will not do — a Tim Hudak government will never do — is implement a carbon tax in any shape or form." Only the Green Party of Ontario has a realistic and sustainable plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by implementing a carbon tax coupled with an income tax reduction. How does a carbon tax work? Simple. Taxes are raised on all carbon emitting fuels. This means higher taxes on such combustibles like gasoline and coal. By raising the prices of all carbon emitting products, we create an incentive for people to reduce. This would be a revenue-neutral tax, a concept that has been working well in British Columbia, as well as many other ...
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For the full episode, click here: www.youtube.com Number 10 on our list of stories is the first completely solar-powered international flight that was just completed from Switzerland to Belgium. The roughly 300 mile trip took the Solar Impulse 13 hours because the one-manned aircraft flies at an average speed of just 31 mph. To see the full flight, click here: ywtv.tv Join the conversation on Facebook www.facebook.com And follow us on Twitter for new videos www.twitter.com

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